Raj Dhami

Hey everyone! My name is Raj Dhami, and I serve as the Chief of Staff at a digital consulting firm called Vokal. Before jumping into my CoS role, I was a product manager for a few years. Prior to that, I was coaching college football. Iā€™m beyond excited to join this community. Back in February and March, I was using many of the public resources to help shape what this position would look like within my organization.

Top Areas of Focus

Exec Team Organization & Mgmt
M&A / Corp Dev
Strategy & Planning

CoS Start Date

Current Industry

Company Size



6 to 10

Previous Experience

Pro Tip

Getting the most out of your colleagues usually boils down to identifying what motivates them to do their best work.


With regards to what I offer to the group, talent development is one my biggest strengths. My coaching career help me develop this at an exponential rate. Whether it was getting the most of an individual on the field or in the classroom, I just had a knack for finding ways to extract their best effort and work. Iā€™ve carried that over to the corporate world and have found success in maximizing the potential of others.


Iā€™ll be eager to learn as much as I can from all of you. Iā€™m most interested in hearing about othersā€™ experiences with implementing a new operating model for an evolving leadership team. What challenges did you face? What lessons did you learn? Did any best practices come out of that change? For context, my company is getting ready to bring in a seasoned executive that specializes in our industry, but we also have some ambitious goals centered around growth. Would love to connect with anyone that has gone through something similar.

