Madelaine Holden

I’m passionate about healthy equity and making a positive impact on the world. I enjoy tackling big challenges, being curious, and building relationships. Throughout my career I have worn a bunch of hats from organizing events, leading marketing and communications, to business development and operations. I see myself as a generalist that knows how to take an idea from concept to reality, which is why I see myself moving into a formal a Chief of Staff role. I am looking for a position with a mission-driven company and hoping I can share my experience/knowledge from working in healthcare, innovation and incubation/acceleration. A fun fact is that in my last role I was able to participate in a secondment assignment working in early childhood development in Nairobi, Kenya for 4 months. It was both a professional and personal development journey.

Top Areas of Focus

Business Operations
Internal Comms
Strategic Partnerships / BD Strategy & Planning
Strategy & Planning
Team Offsites & External Events

CoS Start Date

Current Industry

Company Size



Previous Experience

Pro Tip

When starting a new CoS role, I think it's helpful to introduce yourself as the person to make everyone's jobs easier.


Share my experience/knowledge from working at the intersection of healthcare, innovation and incubation/acceleration. I worked for a large Fortune 500 company for 10 years.


Looking for open roles

