Lindsey O'Sullivan

Lindsey is a wife, a mother, a people leader, and a former Chief of Staff. Her career path was unconventional, covering law school, private offices, the entertainment industry, and finally a startup or two - she’s learned over the years that communication is key, words have power, and empathy is the most desirable super power of them all. Lindsey joined Nautilus Labs in 2019 to lead people operations and has tripled the overall team size in her time, while also building and scaling supporting systems. She's currently leading Nautilus through a pandemic, a recession, and an abrupt shift to a fully remote culture - and is looking forward to 2021!

Top Areas of Focus

People & Culture
Business Operations
Internal Comms
Organizational Structure
Exec Team Organization & Mgmt
Strategy & Planning

CoS Start Date

Oct 15, 2017

Current Industry

Maritime Technology

Company Size



11 to 15

Previous Experience

Chief of Staff at Sailthru

Pro Tip



Expand my professional network with other CoS and companies, Recognition as a thought leader on the CoS role or other topics, Continuous learning from shared knowledge and resources


- EMPATHY! - Adaptability - Resilience


- The courage to leave a legal career when I knew it wasn't right for me. - The opportunity to face the challenge that is 2020 - and everything that means - with great success. - WIP: Raising a smart, strong, and thoughtful daughter, Orla.